Three Ways to Restart This Year’s Marketing Plan


Remember this year’s New Year’s Resolution? Seems so long ago now. If you’re anything like most people you didn’t come close to losing those 15 pounds, or meditating every day, or organizing your garage. You settled back into the routine that has been working for you, and you’ll think about changing things again after the holidays.  

What about the New Year’s goals you had for your firm? Have you implemented any of those changes, or are they fallen by the wayside as well.

Lucky for you it’s summertime. With people taking vacations and business being a little slower, this is just the right time to take another look at this year’s marketing plan, either to assess how the changes are going, or start them anew.

Start Where You Are

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now.

I find this old proverb inspiring, both in my life and when working with clients.

It’s not fair to expect a marketing plan to go perfectly. Life happens and responsibilities get in the way. The key is that we get back on the horse. The key is to remember that at anytime you can start where you are.

What does that mean?

It means that there is no perfect time to begin a marketing plan. There will always be something standing in your way or some reason to not to do it now. Since there is no right time, that means the perfect time is now.

These do not have to be big, complicated projects. Marketing is about creating authentic relationships, and you can start working on those at any time. Here are three simple things you can do to restart this year’s marketing plan:

  1. Log back into LinkedIn Now- LinkedIn is the easiest, most efficient way to grow your network. If you active on the site, congratulations. You are already ahead of lots of other attorneys. If it’s been a while, why not break the ice and log in now. If you have yet to sign up for an account, this would be a great first step to growing your practice in the second half of the year.
  2. Accomplish One Thing Now- Take a look at your list of goals for the year. It’s ok if none of them are checked off. Why not take an action step in accomplishing one of them now. It could be as simple as sending an email to a former client or returning a phone call. Things in motion stay in motion, and it is up to us to put that ball into play.
  3. Get Started Now- Is this the first real thought you’ve put into marketing your practice? Is the whole idea new to you? Great! Why wait until January or even the start of the fiscal year to make a marketing plan. Start now! There are lots of resources on my website to help you get the ball rolling.

Notice the one thing those three things have in common? They are things you start doing NOW.

Got some different ideas about how to re-start this year’s marketing plan? Leave them in the comments section below. I’d love to hear from you!

Susan Tallman