Three Low Key Marketing Ideas for the Lazy Days of Summer

Ahh summer.

I don’t know about you, but there is something about that wonderful time between Memorial Day and Labor Day that makes me want to relax, sit on the beach and read a book. Or spend the day on the tennis court, with the responsibilities of running my consulting firm safely in the background. It’s a good thing! Like our bodies need sleep, our work life needs a break as well. We need some time where we can stretch out, put up our feet, and enjoy a nice cool drink.

This downtime can also present us with some organic ways to market our practice and take stock of our year to date. With that in mind, here are three, low key marketing ideas to make the most out of the dog days of summer:

  • Make it about them, it will be about you - Summer is a great time to get to know people. The days are warmer, the atmosphere more relaxed, and people just seem more friendly when they’re not wearing their heavy winter coats. It’s also the perfect time to practice one of my main rules of marketing: if you make it about them, it will be about you. Whether it be a neighborhood barbecue or your kid’s swim meet, these informal settings are great times to make new relationships. When you meet someone at one of these events, get to know them as people. Ask them about their jobs, their kids or their upcoming vacations. These new relationships will make little league games more enjoyable, and just might lead to a new file when they need legal services down the line.
  • Business cards - just like your wallet, keys, and cell phone, your business cards should be a part of your daily attire, whether that be business causal or beach casual. Again, you are not going to go out handing a card to everyone on a towel, but if you happen to make a connection, it is our job to be prepared to make the most of it.
  • Community Service - Often, summer time provides a break from our normally scheduled community service activities. Now is your opportunity to check in with your commitments and make sure you can meet all of your responsibilities.  Are you overextended? Do you find you have no free time? Maybe it’s time to cut back. If you are looking for something more to do, summer could be the perfect opportunity to set aside some time to get involved in something outside of the office.

There you have it. Three low key ways to market your practice this summer. Got a low key tip of your own? Please share it with us in the comments section. Now get out there and put those feet up!



Susan Tallman