Office Systems Management Audits

Internal controls are important to ensure integrity and prevent costly errors in common office systems in law firms. Lack of office policies and procedures lead to ad hoc systems, increased errors, low morale among attorneys and staff, missed deadlines and even violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct.  

A good system of internal controls and documented policies and procedures protects the firm and its employees and minimizes the risk of costly errors. Clients of Stewart Marketing & Consulting have engaged Brenda Stewart to perform a comprehensive audit of office systems, policies and procedures.

The audit process includes:

  • Interviews with attorneys and staff
  • Confidential survey of attorneys and staff
  • Assessment of office procedures with recommended changes
  • Assessment of firm policies with recommended changes or additions
  • Identification of areas for additional training of attorneys and staff
  • Review of staffing and job descriptions including segregation of duties for internal controls
  • Review of trust accounting policies and procedures
  • Review of billing practices

Are you missing deadlines? Are things falling through the cracks? Does your firm operate with the appropriate internal controls and guidelines?

We can help you streamline your office procedures and improve efficiency and morale with strong policies and office systems.