Start Small

A marathon is 26.2 miles. A mile is 5280 feet. A foot is 12 inches.

It takes every one of those feet and every one of those inches to get to 26.2 miles, just like it takes every small step to make up a marketing plan.

This is important for lawyers to keep in mind, especially those just beginning to market your practice. 

At first, the whole experience can seem daunting. Especially if your plan is focused on 3-5 year goals. But if you can break the process down into miles, feet, and inches, the next thing you know you’ll have run that marathon and implemented that marketing plan.

With this idea, I’m going to focus my next few blogs on the idea of starting small.

What does starting small even mean?

Starting small means just what it says. Instead of trying to everything at once, we eat the elephant one bite at a time. We build on our small successes. Let’s look at three small steps you can do from your desk, over phone or email, that will get your marketing plan started and off on the right track.

1. Find an Accountability Coach.

This is a great first step in any marketing plan. An accountability coach, preferably an attorney in your firm or another firm (someone who understands your world), is a person who can, you guessed it, hold you accountable to your marketing plan. A monthly or bi-monthly meeting or phone call with your accountability coach can ensure that you are taking the steps you laid out. I recommend this for all my clients. I recommend it because it works.

2. Have Short-Term Goals, Not Long-Term Plans.

A common mistake I see when lawyers start to market their practice, is that they focus on where they want their firm to be in 3-5 years. While there is nothing wrong with having a long term vision for your firm, it is not helpful in trying to get your plan off the ground. Focus on things you can do today, tomorrow, or by the end of the week. Those small steps are the very thing that will make those three-five year goals a reality.

3. Ask Clients for Referrals.

This often overlooked step really should be at the top of your list when you are starting a marketing plan. Current and former clients can be a gold mine for referrals. They are proof of your value and can speak to the quality and timeliness of your work with firsthand knowledge. Plus, clients like being asked! It means you enjoyed working with them as much as they enjoyed working with you.

Pick the right time to ask. This could be at the conclusion of a matter or while visiting their place of work. Who knows, when you ask them for a referral, they might even have a matter they want to discuss with you as well.

Do you have any “Starting Small” success stories? If so I’d love to hear about them! Feel free to leave a comment below or send me an email.